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Wellington Unpaid Wages Lawyer

Recovering Unpaid Wages in the State of Florida

If you are owed overtime or back wages for services you have provided to an employer in the state of Florida, retaining the services of a Wellington unpaid wages lawyer is an effective way to resolve these issues and to receive fair compensation for your labor. The Elstein Law Firm offers specialized legal services to recover unpaid wages and to ensure that you are treated fairly by your employer. We work with individuals throughout the state of Florida to ensure that they receive fair and legal compensation for all the hours they work and the jobs they perform.

How Employers Shortchange Their Staff

Florida companies use a number of methods to avoid paying fair wages to their staff members. Some of the most common strategies used by employers include the following:

  • Not paying for all hours worked
  • Failing to pay overtime
  • Requiring employees to work off-the-clock for prep time, clean-up time or any other time
  • Changing time cards and time logs
  • Requiring work training to be performed on the employee’s own time
  • Failing to pay the required minimum wage to employees
  • Withholding the final paycheck or earned bonuses

Some employees may not even realize that these practices are illegal. By consulting with a qualified and experienced Wellington unpaid wages lawyer, you may be able to determine if your employer has been cheating you out of compensation to which you are legally entitled.

Types of Compensation Available for Workers

Along with the complete amount of overtime pay owed to you by your employer, you may also be able to recover liquidated damages that are equal to the amount of back wages your employer failed to pay to you. For example, if you are owed $5,000 in unpaid wages, you can sometimes recover another $5,000 in liquidated damages for a total of $10,000. You can also recover attorney’s fees and costs from your employer if you win your case against them.

At the Elstein Law Firm, we believe that you are entitled to fair wages for fair work. Our Wellington unpaid wages lawyers will work with you to determine all the facts in your case and to provide you with the best possible representation in and out of court. To learn more about our unpaid wages services, call us today at 561-422-9888. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.

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